The membership 

registration opens later this year

get on the waitlist now and we will send you a discount code to save on your first three months when doors open later this year!

For the woman busting her ass to navigate a life that can get a little western

Discover a space that will encourage, equip & connect
you with both the strategies
& the on-going support
You need

consider this your personal invitation to take a seat at a table with like-minded, authentic, driven & resilient women who are tackling both the daily obligations & long-term goals of this uniquely high-demand lifestyle.

Designed specifically for western and rural women navigating the competing demands of multiple roles in their personal life, home, ranch & business.

Because your “distractions” are not frivolous - you're simply pulled in too many competing directions, with a to do list that is overflowing with equally non-negotiable priorities. There’s not a simple fix. You need a multi-faceted, proven framework, backed by consistent support, advice & encouragement that you can access any time any where.

The Cowgirls Over Coffee Membership provides a structured approach to tackling your time, tasks and objectives to master your daily demands while also pursuing your long-term goals & ambitions. We provide the resources, encouragement and accountability to help you ditch the self-criticism & overwhelm, and replace it with the purpose and presence you crave.

The goal of the cowgirls over Coffee membership is to achieve more purpose, presence & balance in pursuit of the goals you have for your home, family, business, community & Self

about the membership

To this end, we have developed a specific methodology that leverages the power of working in community with like-minded, driven and resilient women towards this common goal.

The Membership has been deliberately designed to meet you where you are right now, and where you'll be tomorrow too. You can never fall behind or not have the time, because the membership experience has been designed to serve you in seasons of survival as well as seasons of growth.

The “Come As You Are” culture means we’re serious when we say this membership was designed to meet you right where you're at. Our calls are full of women folding laundry, cooking dinner, bouncing babies or bouncing in the tractor! Your life is welcome here, it’s not an interruption.

The Cowgirls Over Coffee team is committed to constantly evolving the membership experience to grow with the community and better serve you with new opportunities and resources!

Finally, there is no long-term commitment, cancel any time. But, we don’t think you’ll want to!

The six pillars of the cowgirls over Coffee methodology

What’s Included in the membership?

  • Dedicated Membership Hub - here you can access all of the membership materials, agenda, links, replays, videos and more.

  • Members Only Podcast - we know you’re on the go and videos aren’t always the most convenient way to consume content, every monthly overview, guest expert and live call is available via this podcast in addition to being in the Membership Hub.

  • Private Discussion Group - we know the last thing you want is another Facebook group, but trust us when we say this is different! This is a dedicated and active group that serves as sounding board, recommendation and advice lifeline, and connection with the women who share your goals, values and ambitions.

  • Seasonal Strategy - the practice of planning and goal setting inside the membership is on a seasonal schedule to maximize productivity and progress, while minimizing overwhelm and burnout. We work in a pre-determined cadences of rest and reflection, foundation building and hustling. Each season this includes a separate Seasonal Workbook and Accountability Session, in addition to our Monthly Playbook and Planning Practice.

  • Monthly Playbook & Planning Session - each month there will be a new monthly playbook that combines journaling prompts, personal development and thoughtful planning, task and calendar management into a monthly practice.

  • Live Group Sessions - there is a minimum of two live group calls each month. These can include monthly planning sessions, seasonal accountability calls, guest speakers and virtual networking events. All live call replays are available in the Membership Hub and via the Members Only Podcast.

  • Resource Lounge - over a dozen downloadable planner pages and access to past guest expert speakers

  • Text Message Notifications - you can opt into periodic text message notifications to remind you about upcoming calls and weekly newsletters.

  • Weekly Email - an extra layer of connection and motivation, you’ll receive a weekly update via email recapping what’s going on inside the membership and letting you know what’s coming in the week ahead.

  • For Business Track Members - for those who have opted into the Business Track there will be additional monthly worksheets, live strategy sessions, round-table discussions, co-working sessions, hot seats and guest experts. The Business Track essentially serves as a Facilitated Mastermind for members of Cowgirls Over Coffee who are currently prioritizing their business goals. Replays of everything will always be available both in the Membership Hub and via the Members Only Podcast.

How it Works

  • Check into the Cowgirls Over Coffee Membership Hub each month for updated journaling exercises and planning practices to guide your work as you cultivate supportive habits and routines, master your daily demands and create steady progress towards your long-term goals.

  • Download the Monthly Playbook and work through the exercises to facilitate your planning process fueled by personal reflection and growth.

  • Set the course for your month mapping out your core objectives, beginning with a messy first draft and incorporating a weekly review practice to reflect and refine your plan as you go.

  • Cultivate your awareness and understanding of what works best for you to remain motivated, present, and taking consistent action without becoming overwhelmed or burning out.

  • Engage with your new sipsters inside the private Discussion Group for encouragement, advice, recommendations and motivation.

  • Join live work sessions and break-out discussion around the provided practices and exercises - OR- catch these sessions as replays inside the Membership Hub or via the Members Only Podcast.

waitlist now open

waitlist now open •

why did you join the membership?

what’s the best part of your Membership?

As seen in

how has membership impacted you?

What’s the Business Track?

The Business Track is truly a mastermind experience at a membership price. This option is for those who are interested in prioritizing their current or future business goals, and is essentially an extra layer or a power-up to your membership with an emphasis on small business growth and development. If you’re a small business owner, side-hustler or aspiring to be, the Business Track is the room you need to be in.

  • Two Dedicated Monthly Strategy Sessions

  • Hot Seats

  • Virtual Co-Working Sessions

  • Guest Expert Presenters

  • Dedicated Business Track Discussion Group

Your Cowgirls Over Coffee membership with the Business Track will be $65/month.

what our members say about the business track

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waitlist now open •


  • I feel this, and honestly the time commitment is entirely up to you. At a minimum you could commit 20 minutes a week to skimming the weekly update sent via email or text message which will summarize and highlight the takeaways from that week's calls, lessons, discussion, etc.

    Additionally, the problem of never having the TIME you need to do all the things is the EXACT reason I developed this membership experience. The strategies and practices we explore are intended to help you create more time.

    And, ultimately if there comes a time that you feel you just can't commit any time to the membership you can cancel your membership.

  • Honestly, every time we make a purchase we're making a comparison to determine whether or not the purchase is a "good deal" or not. This membership delivers value in spades. Compare it to a retreat or digital course that will easily run upwards of $1,000 without delivering the authentic community, continuing support and learning opportunities, built into the Cowgirls Over Coffee membership.

  • Absolutely. Cowgirls Over Coffee is rooted in strategies, encouragement and accountability to help you create a daily foundation that supports you every day in every way. Whether you have a business or not.

    Inside the membership we work to create daily practices that make life run smoothly so we have the time and energy to nurture ourselves, our families and pursue personal goals.

  • This membership has been thoughtfully designed to support current and aspiring business owners in TWO distinct ways:

    (1) Support and strategy for your daily life. More often than not it's "life" that gets in the way of accomplishing our goals and objectives for our businesses. Inside the membership we work to create daily practices that make life run smoothly so we have the time and energy to pursue our business goals.

    (2) Support and strategy for your business with the Business Track option. This includes a monthly Strategy Session dedicated to business tactics, strategy and feedback, a monthly facilitated co-working session to help you block out and be your most productive on the things that matter most, and Expert-Lead Workshops that focus on implementable strategies to support specific areas of your business from email list building to team building.

  • The Business Track is essentially an extra layer or a power-up to your membership with an emphasis on small business growth and development. This includes additional strategy sessions, hot seats, virtual co-working sessions and guest speakers throughout the year that are laser focused on building and scaling your small business.

  • Short answer: of course!

    If you feel connected to the Cowgirls Over Coffee vibe. If you have past, present or future ties to the western lifestyle. If you value growth, intention and action and craving some authentic, candid conversations. You're going to fit right in!

  • No problem! You can cancel your membership at any time for any reason.

opening soon

If you are in fact the average of the five people you spend the most time with, and it truly does take a village …
well then, this is the room you want to be in and the table you should be sitting at.

waitlist now open

waitlist now open •